5 Feel Good Opportunities to Save the Post Office
Super Easy, Fun, and Feel Good.
One of the fastest ways to help yourself feel better is to do something for someone else. That’s why I’m asking you to send a card or write a letter to everyone you know. You’ll feel good about it, and so will the recipient.
You’ve Got Mail!
It’s an average day. You’re working hard doing all the things.
- Answering emails
- sitting in on zoom meetings
- getting lunch for the kids
- Doing a load of laundry
All the while you are doing your best to enjoy this new sometimes chaotic routine from home. Life looks so different now that you find yourself often wondering, “What the heck am I even doing?”
Still, the chores need to get done and you are home. then off to the grocery you go for what has become the highlight of your day. Your thoughts are filled with questions about politics as you observe who is and who isn’t’ wearing a mask. As the election gets closer you can feel tension is high all around you, and really you just want an adult beverage out at a bar with your girlfriends.
Returning home you struggle to carry all 9 bags of groceries in because who takes 2 trips to the car people. You think about dinner and what will make everyone in the house happy. You stop to grab the mail not remembering if you checked it this week or not and drop it all on the table.
After all the groceries are put away (It’s cool family, I got this.). You turn to the pile of junk mail, flyers, the electric bill, geiko, and…….?
What’s this?
A Card?
Addressed to me?
Who? What?
Suddenly nothing else matters. This baby blue envelope with a star sticker and your name written out so bubbly and fun is the only thing that matters.
The excitement. The fun. What’s going on? A wedding? A baby shower? A birthday party?
The anticipation, as you rip that sucker open and……..
It’s a hand-written card from someone who loves the heck out of you. Someone who just wanted to take the time to remind you that you are really something special. Just a note to say I see you, and you’re rockin’ this thing called life. No big event, no future presents to be bought, just a good ol’ fashion form of snail mail love.
For a moment in time, everything feels warmer around you. Your head is filled with your own thoughts back towards this individual of pure gratitude. You feel so blessed to have humans in your life that see you, and who’s magic you see too.
As you return back to the daily routine you have a skip in your step. Your own light is shining through. You feel more ready to spread the love around. People are good, you’ve just been isolated for too long. Friends are there, and reaching out. It’s a lovely turn to an average day.
Now Doesn’t that sound awesome?
Yeah it does. Because it is awesome. And you have the ability right now to create that experience in the life of someone you love right now. Today!
Sending a card is two-fold because you feel good when you send a card, and the recipient feels good when they receive the card. Bonus! You might get a gushing phone call about the card coming at the perfect moment, or a shout on social media for being the awesome person you are.
It takes very little effort and has a huge impact.
Our postal system is under attack. I could go into that and tell you that here in Washington we’ve been voting by mail for years with no problems. I could go into the fact that the postal system has been a safe way to mail
- Tax Refunds
- Social Security Checks
- Stimulus Checks
- Drivers Licenses
- Social Security Cards
- Prescription Drugs
- Passports
- And Voter Registration ID Cards
The fact is you and I both already know these things, so I’m focusing today on what I can do to make a difference. I can support the postal system by purchasing stamps and sending cards to the people who make a difference in my life.
And so can you.
Go to http://USPS.COM and order a sheet of stamps.
If half of all adults in the US bought a sheet. 20 stamps it would raise close to $1.5 Billion!
Surely you can think of 20 people in your life you could write a card to.
Writing a card is great for letting those you care about know they are seen and that you haven’t forgotten about them during this time. A card is also a great way to say I’m sorry or any form of letting go that allows forgiveness into our world. Even if you never send that card out you will feel the healing from it surround your life.
Every relationship you have ever had has shaped you into the person you are today. Embrace it.
Here are 5 ways you can help the Post Office by writing a letter, card, note, or any form of snail mail. Let’s face it, most of us don’t have a lot of practice in this area. Look at this as spreading cheer, working on writing, and being vulnerable all while saving our Postal system.
1. Create a Mail-In Birthday!
What a letdown 2020 has been for milestones. Instead of trying to get a bunch of friends together consider creating an event. An Evite or Facebook event page where you ask loved ones to send a card to the birthday boy or girl. I did this for my honeybuns 50th in April. Over 100 people send him a card. He felt the love all week long in forms of letters, drawings, poems, and cards from all sorts of friends and family. It was magical. ***Bonus, the post office got more love than I expected out of the deal. Yay!
2. Special Occasions
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Graduation, Loss of a Pet. There are so many opportunities to reach out. You can pick up great cards almost anywhere these days and start a stockpile of goodness ready to send out. You can hop on Facebook and look to see who’s birthdays are coming up. Everyone is posting about milestones be they graduations or weddings. So let them know how special they are by sending a note.
3. Thank You!
Any reason is a good reason to send a thank you card. Job interviews are a great example of letting others know you appreciate their time. Maybe someone helped you move or with some research. Have you ever considered writing an author of a book you enjoyed and saying thank you? Why not? Everyone likes to feel appreciated. A thank you note is an easy way to say you care.
4. The Old Friend
We all have them. That only friend who you fell out of touch with. Maybe something happened that divided you like moving to a new neighborhood, city, or state. Perhaps one of you had kids or a switch of jobs. You know the ones. You think of them fondly and often. Let them know you miss them. Share a memory. Or just say hi. In an isolated world, it’s important that we feel seen.
5. Family First
If my Grandma were alive today I would spend more time writing to her. She loved getting cards in the mail and made a huge deal out of it to my Mom. I saw the joy it brought her. You can bring that joy to those close to home. How often do we take for granted those most important people in our lives? A card to your sister letting her know she’s kicking butt at life, or your Aunt who’s going through chemo. These things matter.
What I’m saying here is that a little effort makes a huge impact. Together we can help bring up the spirits of those that surround our lives. together we can make an impact on our postal system that drives money into helping it stay afloat through this attack. Together we can raise awareness and show a little love and compassion for ourselves, our community, and our post office.