Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions? — Heart-Light Studios

Mary Clymer
5 min readDec 7, 2021


Your Daily Conversation Can Move You Towards Growth or Keep You Stuck in Place

The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of the questions you continue to ask yourself. If you’re not asking questions to help yourself grow and become a person of value, then what your life looks like today is what your life will look like 10 years from now. Play, rewind, repeat.

When you take time to reflect and refocus you offer yourself space to better understand what things are most important to you. Are you living your own dream or the dream created by another? Think deeply about this. Are you working towards a life you love, or are you just busy being busy?

You have one precious life to enjoy. Only one opportunity to shine out into the world all the wonder and glory of who you are.

In order to truly live a life worthy of all your potential, you deserve to take time and seek out the answers to life’s big questions.

How often do you hear someone say things like…

  • Next year I’m going to start…
  • When I have more time I will…
  • Once the kids are older I’ll…
  • After I lose 10 pounds I’ll begin…
  • When my bank account is bigger I will…

And we all know that these are just excuses. I get it, you’re busy. I’m busy. But I do know that if something is important to us we make time to do it. So ask yourself, are you happy? And if not, then what’s stopping you from doing differently?

I know, not an easy question to answer, but an important one. One worthy of time and energy. Asking these types of questions opens you up to opportunity to make changes now for your future.

When you start asking deep questions and looking for your truth in them you find learning opportunities everywhere. The failings of your past are now lesson books to grow from. In order to take charge of your future, you must start by looking at the events of your life and choose to either be a victim of them or to grow from them.


Reflect on the choices that have brought you to this point in your life. Ask yourself if you’ve been asking yourself the right kinds of questions. Ask those questions now. Because next year’s goals will keep turning to next year’s goals if you don’t take action today. Taking time to figure out what type of life you want and then executing it takes time and deep meaningful thought. Thoughts that can be game-changing, so be prepared to get uncomfortable with any and all answers that come up.

When you start to examine your life, do it with a kind heart. Don’t start the conversation by beating yourself up over things that went sideways in the past. Feed your mind with compassion. You are a work in progress, use your insecurities as a guide for improvement. Ask yourself…

  • How can I find a way to improve my situation?
  • How can I cultivate a healthier mindset to move me forward?
  • Why do I keep making this same choice over and over again?


Listen to what comes up and where your resistance is. These are clues to guide you forward. Brainstorm and stretch your limiting beliefs. Magic lies outside your comfort zones, you just need the right mindset to get there. Asking the right questions will help move you towards the magic found there. Listen and believe in your gifts to this world, they help guide the direction of your life. It takes practice, and it starts with asking the right questions.

Asking the right questions opens you up to potential that you couldn’t see before. If you don’t take time to design your life in a way that feels right for you, then you are living by the rules of someone else. If you don’t ask deep questions you stay stuck.

Pay attention to where you look for validation, and ask questions around that. Ask questions about what makes you happy and dig deep into that. Ask questions.

Asking questions helps you to unlock hidden potential. It’s a guide for untangling thought patterns you’ve been stuck in for years. Asking the right questions helps you get clear with how you want to move forward in your life.

We are so busy in today’s modern world that it’s hard for us to be present from moment to moment. We busy ourselves with social media and online games and we forget to allow our minds to rest. We forget to truly listen to what is happening in the world around us.

When you start asking questions you must be open to receiving answers. This means listening to the information coming to you. When you look for answers to the pending questions of your life you need to be ready because information we tell ourselves daily isn’t always necessarily true. That story you’ve been selling everyone for years about how you were done wrong isn’t going to fly anymore. New results take new thinking patterns.

If you are at a crossroads in your life now is a great time to ask hard questions.

  • What am I good at?
  • What do I love?
  • What are my natural traits?
  • How can I show up more present in my life?

If you don’t take time, especially in the challenging times to ask these questions of yourself then you will continue to run your life on a roller coaster and end up repeating the same patterns that got you into a situation you didn’t want to be in.

It is essential to ask yourself…

  • What am I doing well?
  • What do I need to start doing?
  • What do I need to stop doing?
  • Where do I have room for growth?

These questions and ones like it will guide you down a path towards inner enlightenment. You can choose to continue not growing, or you can do the work that brings you to a happier healthier life. And those answers are all wrapped up inside of you. It’s time to quit being busy just to be busy and start living with intention.

Start today with a simple yes or no as your guide…

Are you happy?

Originally published at on December 7, 2021.



Mary Clymer
Mary Clymer

Written by Mary Clymer

Breathwork Coach, Pulmonaut Explorer, & Content Creator. Taking it one breath at a time. Join me at

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