Shifting Your Lens Towards Gratitude
A Month-Long Approach in Focusing on the Positive
It’s natural of us to get wrapped into the messiness of life. The stress of our everyday routine can be overwhelming and often demanding of our attention. November is the national month of gratitude, perfect as we gear up for Thanksgiving and all the chaos of the holidays. A perfect time to reflect on all that the year has given us. Gratitude invites us back to the present moment. An offering of peace that is found in the simple pleasure of the present moment. For it is in the present moment that we are whole.
Practicing gratitude is an offering to ourselves and a blessing to those around us. It helps us see the world through gentle eyes and with an open heart. Bringing in new perspectives of the churning thoughts that consume our every day and revealing a fresh take on old lingering problems.
Struggle and Heartbreak
We all go through times of struggle and heartbreak. Yet even in those low moments, we can find something to be grateful for. You must decide to see the good. A practice of deep gratitude doesn’t cancel out what’s challenging in our lives, but it does help us see the good. It’s all about the lens we focus on.
It’s easy in today’s world to see how divided we’ve become. Almost every issue we hear about on the news is polarized by strong opinions. Us vs. them is the current mindset, and we have become used to a society that pulls others down instead of lifting others up.
One of the great sages of our time, Fred Rogers, reminds us…
“Imagine what real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person.”
When you offer a kind thought, word, or deed out into the world it lifts us all up.
- You are lifted by the practice of doing.
- Others are lifted in the gift of being seen, hear, felt, loved.
A practice in gratitude raises your energy. Others begin to take note and say… “What are they doing differently? And how can I create that in my own life.”
The Secret to Happiness
Skeptics everywhere like to put simple things like gratitude aside. Turning their focus towards more complex formulas needed towards building a happy life. Some will even argue that taking a pill is the answer to a more balanced fulfilled life. Yet study after study has shown a link between well-being and gratitude.
It’s important for all of us to remember that the stories and situations in our lives are just that. Stories. We determine the weight to which we give them. More often than not the weight of the world isn’t on our shoulders, but in our minds.
Gratitude shifts us out of those spirals, and into more balanced practices. Shifting your lens is sometimes all it takes to help you out of an uncomfortable situation.
Author, Gretchen Rubin proves this in her book, “The Happiness Project”. In it, she takes you with her on a journey through a year into daily practices designed to generate more happiness in her life. What did she find? That as energy shifts, more abundance appeared in her life. Simple things like singing in the morning, a gratitude journal, and being more present in the daily moments turned her into a New York Times Bestselling Author.
My Gratitude Offering
As I embark on this new journey of bringing my breath coach business online, I decided to jump on the Gratitude bandwagon this November by offering a weekly talk about gratitude. Each Thursday at 7pm I will go live on Facebook. For 20 minutes we will dive into that week’s topic for grace and pair it with a breathing practice linked to a gratitude mantra.
Join me on Breath MindsetWeek 1 — Thank you! on November 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th (Yes, on Thanksgiving) at 7pm. Listen, Breathe, ask questions, and raise your energy through the power of gratitude. Week 2 — Everyday Life
Topics to be discussed
Week 3 — Laughter
Giving thanks is what gratitude is all about. In the first week of lives, we will have a short chat about the power of saying thank you. You will leave with a list of “easy for you” opportunities to say thank you and we will pair it with a quick breathing exercise in thanks.
Week 4 — Family
Because so much of our daily routines are done automatically we might be looking over the brilliance of the view from our backyard, or the hot water in our showers. This week we will talk about finding gratitude in our everyday routines and ways to help keep us present in the mundane.
We are busy and with all that running around we forget to enjoy the moments. One of the fastest ways to find yourself immersed in a moment is through laughter. When was the last time you belly laughed? Perhaps you’re taking things too seriously and need to utilize that laughter lens to help you lighten up. Week 3 we will chat tools and tips towards bringing a sense of play into your daily routine.
Join the Conversation
On Thanksgiving Day we will talk about family. The family you’re with, the family you’ve lost, and the family you could do without. Every family is a mixed bag of comfort and irritation. This week we will breathe through some shifts to make time with family the most enjoyable, even when Aunt Sue and Grandma Ray engage in their yearly holiday blow-out.
Whether you can join me live, or prefer to watch the replays, November is a great time to reflect on all we have to be grateful for. For instance, being able to chat with readers like you from all over the globe. Thank you internet!
You are one Pinterest search away from an endless stream of gratitude challenges. Join in and become an observer in your own experience. Even if it feels silly, engage in a new way of thinking or develop your practice even more.
Now more than ever a kind word and an open heart are needed.
Drop me a message and share what you are doing to bring gratitude into your life.
Originally published at on November 2, 2021.