Snoring In Savasana and other Embarrassing Yoga Moments

Don’t sweat it, we’ve all been there.

Mary Clymer
7 min readAug 27, 2020

One of the more blissful ways to show self-care is by taking yourself to a yoga class. Providing your mind, body, and soul with nourishment. You know how great stretching out your body feels. It only takes a few deep breaths for you to drop into the zone. Your body is moving in a fluid motion. This is the zen you have waited for all day.

Then it happens.

Your mind is clean, your body is in motion, your soul is open. You are in the zone. Gracefully moving into a revolved crescent lunge as you pass gas. Immediately you become self-aware. You begin to wobble in the pose as your mind starts the process of over-thinking whether or not anyone heard it.

They did.

But you know what? Everyone continues on because they have been there too. Twisting from side to side compresses your ascending and descending colon. That’s why you’ll hear instructors say twists are great in aiding digestion. Farting is a part of yoga. Every single time I come out of a plow pose I worry about it. Try to not sweat it. It means your body is actually doing its job.

Embarrassing and Common

Awkward moments are part of the deal. You may cringe when they happen to you or turn beet red when they happen to the yogi next to you. The reality is if you want growth you are bound to experience some sort of bodily function in your yoga practice at one time or another.

As part of my yoga training, I remember our instructor, Mathieu Boldron, telling us to be ready to get up close and personal with all kinds of human noises. It’s just life. From there a great discussion was had. We all recalled moments of cringeworthy things happening in class. Everyone nodded because they were so common and so relatable.

Even the most experienced yogis queef. At the moment you may want to pack up and never return. But if you keep showing up, you will soon realize that everyone has an embarrassing yoga mat moment.

One of the first yoga classes I ever found myself in the instructor was guiding us into a variety of stages of plow. On the way out it was like a symphony of body functions echoing throughout the room. We all broke into laughter. Our instructor simply congratulated us on working together so no one person would feel embarrassed.

It’s a moment I’ll never forget. It reminded me that yoga doesn’t have to be so serious. And that I wasn’t alone in my experience.

In yoga, like in life, we are constantly growing and changing. This accounts for our body as well. Maybe you’re twisting, or getting into a folded position, pressing on your intestines. We have air in our bodies, and it has to move somewhere.

Cleansing from the inside out

We’re all adults here. We get it. But that doesn’t make it any easier when you are concentrating on your breath in a quiet room with 30 other adults and your body loudly seeks attention. All I can say is that this is normal.

The Good News

The good news is this, there are things you can do to help yourself along. Here are some of the more common ways our bodily function can create an embarrassing moment and ways to help prevent them from happening on the regular.

Passing Gas

Always mortifying, yet completely natural. Let’s start with diet. Try not checking out that new Mexican restaurant a couple of hours before class. For that matter, don’t try anything new before a yoga class just in case your digestive system disagrees with that decision. If you tend to be a more flatulence individual avoid all gassy foods before class.

One of the great benefits of practicing yoga is that you become more in tune with your body. Certain forward bends, twists, and poses where you pull your knees into your chest encourage a deep compression. These poses allow for more opportunities for gas to be passed. Becoming aware when to avoid that extra squeeze by being in tune with your body will come with time. But again, even the most seasoned yogis have fallen victim an embarrassing yoga fart.


Okay ladies. Let’s talk about our lady business. We all get air up there from time to time. Inversions like straddle where your legs are spread wide provide an opportunity for air to get drawn inside. Slow movements are the key. Shift your hips and release slowly out of these poses.

Southern Exposure

You’re sweating and your clothes are pulling and sliding and often things get exposed. Prevention here is relatively easy. Loose materials will shift as you invert and control your body. In this situation your neighbor might get a sneak peak at your undercarriage. Leggings, sports bras, and please I beg you to wear underwear.

Every yoga teacher has countless stories of seeing your private area while holding a perfect downward facing dog. Sports thongs are a yogi favorite and move with you. I understand not wanting to wear underwear to class, but if you choose to go this route please check that your yoga pants aren’t see-through. Do a crotch inspection. There is a reason quality yoga pants cost more. They move with your body and keep your privates private.

Body Odor

You sit in cow faced pose and take a deep inhale. Suddenly you notice a disgusting smell. That is your sweaty B.O. and you thought it was your neighbor this whole time. Awkward. Besides the obvious here, deodorant, you want to make sure your clothes are clean. Bacteria mixed with perspiration can create quite a funk.

I recommend investing in clothes specifically designed for sweat. There is a reason body wicking material is so popular among athletes. Same goes for your mat.


Mostly I’m calling out my male yogi’s here. I don’t know if it happens to you men more or if yall just snore more. This has more to do with stress in your everyday life, and lack of sleep. We all know sleep is an important part of our health, but sometimes it’s hard to get proper sleep. It is my opinion that if your body is finally at a relaxed and rested place then you are healing. What better place to do that at the end of a yoga class.

Confession. I love falling asleep in class. I don’t find it embarrassing at all. To me it means I’m completely relaxed. But I also don’t go making a habit of it. I’m just saying after a good yoga nidra class it’s been known to happen.

For you men, let’s just say, other things arise while you slumber. Perhaps a compliment for the instructor, but an embarrassing moment non the less. It all goes back to your breath. Continue to focus on the inhale and the exhale. Notice your body. You have just spent time squeezing out toxins. Instead of using this time at the end of class to doze off, challenge yourself to stay in the moment. Notice new movement and space within your body. You can use your breath to keep you here. Relaxed yet aware.

Serene and Spiritual

It’s hard not to feel enlightened and refreshed when you leave a yoga class. It’s equally hard to stay in your bliss after breaking wind. Plenty can happen during a yoga class and it is one of the uncomfortable things no one wants to talk about.

Something happens once in class, no one will remember except you. If something happens continually in class, well…..ya might want to do some more research.

We all have these moments. To be a yogi means you show up for your practice and breath through all distractions. Try and look at these embarrassing moments as part of your practice instead of a distraction from your practice.

Focus less on the external, and more about the benefits within.



Mary Clymer
Mary Clymer

Written by Mary Clymer

Breathwork Coach, Pulmonaut Explorer, & Content Creator. Taking it one breath at a time. Join me at

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